Soil is a

a non - renewable




All the news of the project, read the news and the press review with the press releases.

ISWA’s Soils Project publishes 4 reports on SOM

Bochum, 06 August 2020

The Project aims at ‘quantifying the benefit of organic matter in compost and digestate when applied to soils'

Caring for soil is caring for life

Bochum, 23 July 2020

The EU Commission has published an interim report of the Mission Board for Soil health and food

ICAW 2020: joined press release by international composting organisations

World, 3-9 May 2020

Compost organisations across the world, including ECN embrace the annual week of compost awareness raising.

Biocycle Workshop

Sacramento, 30 March 2020

Compost Use In Agriculture: Healthy Soils, Sequestering Carbon Workshop & Demos

Organized by: BioCycle, UC Davis, Agricultural Sustainability Institute Calfornia Climate Investments

ECN Feedback – Roadmap on a Climate Law

Bochum, 20 February 2020

ECN calls for setting up a mandatory target to build up soil organic matter

Valentine’s Day 2020 – Love Soil and sign the SOS Initiative Save Organics in Soil

World, 14 Februar 2020

Today, it is a good opportunity to express your love to soil - Make a gift and sign the Save Organics in Soil Initiative!

Soil loves compost – The topic for the 2020 annual week of compost awareness

World, 3-9 May 2020

Compost organisations across the world, including ECN embrace the annual week of compost awareness raising.

Feedback on the Roadmap on the new Circular Economy Action Plan

Bochum, January 31st 2020

ECN wellcomes the initiative of the European Commission to adopt a new Circular Economy Action Plan

Soil and Sustainable development Goals: Challenges and the Need for Action

DG ENV Conference, 25 November 2019

The SGDs were launched by the UN in 2015 and aim to provide a blueprint for peace and prosperity for the planet
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