ICAW 2022 I 1 -7 May

International Compost Awareness Week (May 1 – 7) launches Call to action around the world International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) 2022, the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry, takes place 1 – 7 May; ICAW 2022’s themes include ‘S.O.S.: Save Our Soil, Save OurSelves’ and ‘Recipe for Regeneration: Compost’ Every tonne […]
Recruit Soil to Tackle Climate Change, declare Canada’s Soil Conservation and Compost Councils
Report identifies great opportunity for carbon sequestration to offset GHG emissions from agriculture There is an unsung hero waiting in the wings to tackle climate change. It’s our soil. A new report calls on Canada to recruit the enormous potential of soil to help combat the climate crisis. The report includes detailed, science-based soil- health information, […]
HORIZON Europe calls on Soil Mission projects

Under Horizon Europe, the European Commission funds research and innovation in order to protect and restore soils in Europe and beyond. This funding is in line with the EU Mission “A Soil Deal for Europe”. Eight topics are open, including Soil advisors; Linking soil health to nutritional and safe food; Incentives and business models; Engage […]
CIC & ECN will celebrate the World Soil Day 2021

On 3rd of December the Italian Compost and Biogas Association (CIC) is organising a broadcast ‘From Soil to Earth’. ECN will join this webinar with a video message from the Executive Director, Stefanie Siebert. More info here: https://www.compost.it/news/giornata-mondiale-del-suolo-2021-5ed/
Soil Health: Enriching Soil, Enhancing Life

“Enriching Soil, Enhancing Life” is designed to connect the science of soil health with the information farmers request when adopting soil health practices, and the environmental benefits that follow. A wide array of practical information, research, and actionable takeaways will be presented that are relevant to farmers, agribusiness, consultants, scientists, field conservationists, government, and non-governmental […]
ICAW 2021

We are celebrating the International Compost Awareness Week 2021 (ICAW 2-8 May 2021) with ‘A compost journey across Europe! – How to recycle our organics and to feed our soils?’ on 5 May 2021 with an online event from 15:30 h to 17:00 h. If you like to join us, please send an email to […]
State of knowledge of soil biodiversity

Status, challenges and potentialities. Summary for policy makers There is increasing attention on the importance of biodiversity for food security and nutrition, especially above-ground biodiversity such as plants and animals. However, less attention is being paid to the biodiversity beneath our feet, soil biodiversity, which drives many processes that produce food or purify soil and […]
ENVI Committee calls for legislative proposal to protect soil

After the public hearing on ‘Facing the sixth mass extinction and increasing risk of pandemics: what role for the EU Biodiversity Strategy for 2030’ in the European Parliament, the rapporteur of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety of the European Parliament, Césare Luena (S&D), has presented the draft report on the Biodiversity Strategy on 13th of January 2021. The report underlines the importance of soil health on biodiversity and to combat against soil degradation and desertification.
The ENVI Committee ‘underlines that the Biodiversity Strategy’s actions must adequately tackle all five main direct drivers of change in nature: changes in land and sea use; direct exploitation of organisms; climate change; pollution; and invasive alien species.’
The report has finally to be adopted in the plenary of the European Parliament in the next months. The report of the ENVI committee can be assessed here.
Press release on online event ‘Save Organics in Soil’

13 October 2020: Members of the European Parliament heard how bio-waste can be better recycled, soil fertility maintained and climate change mitigated at an online event1 organised by the European Compost Network (ECN) co-hosted by MEP Franc Bogovič (EPP, Slovenia) and Elsi Katainen (Renew Europe, Finland). By working together, farmers, soil scientists, waste-operators, policymakers and […]
ISWA’s Soils Project publishes 4 reports on SOM

Bochum, 06 August 2020
The Project aims at ‘quantifying the benefit of organic matter in compost and digestate when applied to soils’