Soil is a

a non - renewable


Caring for soil is caring for life

The EU commission has published the interim report with the title: “Caring for Soil is Caring for Life”  of the mission proposed by the Soil Health and Food Mis­sion Board.

The mission’s goal is to “ensure that 75% of soils are healthy by 2030 and are able to provide essential ecosystem services”, such as the provision of food and other biomass, supporting bio­diversity, storing and regulating the flow of water, or mitigating the effects of climate change. The tar­get corresponds to a 100% increase of healthy soils against the current baseline. This interim report sets out the vision and the blueprint to reach this ambition through a combination of research and in­novation, training and advice, as well as the demonstration of good practices for soil management us­ing “Living labs” and “Lighthouses”.

The report is available for download in the document-section of this website (English Documents – EU documents)


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